3、撿起散落在屋里的物品:2根木頭、6個金塊gold nugget、3個地球儀缺少的球、鑰匙、透鏡片telescope lens、放大鏡和取景器viewfinder。用鑰匙打開左邊A處的箱子,得到一本書,把書放在B處。打開書發現還缺少一些物品,去外面找找吧~從望遠鏡底座的門離開,在機關門的右下角撿到1個球,再去鑄造臺。 圖3.21
5、根據書上的提示進行:先把8個球放回原位使望遠鏡下的梯子打開(右邊書架頂上放3個,左邊書架上放5個,很容易)。梯子打開后才可以把取景器viewfinder放在望遠鏡的尾部A處,透鏡片telescope lens放在B處(注意:透鏡片要一個一個的放,不能一次放兩個,后面得到的鏡片也要拿到這里來放到B處做成模具,再去鑄造臺做成寶石架)。圖3.22
7、再點左邊的書,點右頁上的“1.Turning day into night.”要把代表各個星球的符號正確的填入圖中,依次點Mrurecy,Vuens,Erath,Mras,Jetupir,Sutran.(符號的順序跟外邊門上的一樣)填好后變成了黑天。圖3.31
8、書中返回第一頁,再點右頁上的“2.Telescopes, stars and magic.”把缺少的單詞填好,下面給出原文:
This telescope can be used to search for stars and convert them into dream jewel molds. To make new molds:
1.Make sure it's night time.
2.Load a lens into the telescope.
3.Look through the viewfinder.
4.search the night sky until you find a constellation that matches the shape in the lens.
5.When you find one... 圖3.32
9、返回前一頁,點“3.Forging Dream Jewels. ”
The forging device is used to "create" new dream jewels. To use the device:
1.Place four wood logs in the fireplace.
2.Light the fire using concentrated sun rays.
3.Place a dream mold (created with the telescope) on the bottom of the device.
4.Place a gold nugget above the fire.
5.The simply...圖3.33
10、返回前一頁,點“4.Dream nexus and gateways. ”
The nexus has many hidden secrets.Use it wisely and it can take you wherever you need to go.
1.Pull the switches to access each gateway.
2.Find or create as many Dream Jewels as you can. You'll need to solve the color combination show above each gateway.
3.Move the Dream Jewels until...圖3.34
11、拼好所有的文章后開始按上面的提示做:把透鏡片telescope lens放入望遠鏡的凹槽里,點取景器觀察天空,發現鏡片上有幾個點,在夜空中找到可以正好對應這幾個點的星星,找對后透鏡就會變成制做寶石架的模具mold,依次把2個鏡片制成模具后離開,去鑄造臺。圖3.41
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