以下是引用自神奇小子blog片段: In fact, I want the opposite reputation set, that the more a company tries to abuse the legal system, the harder we rally back. I will be the first person in line on the launch date of the Xperia Play, and itching to get my hands on the Next GEOHOT Project。 |
重點便是最后兩句,GEOHOT大致意思便是說,等Xperia Play發布銷售我第一個就去排隊,Xperia Play也是下一個GEOHOT將要研究的目的!看來索尼簡直是引火上身,PS3主機破解的事情還沒有完結。這邊索愛的PS手機又被神奇小子瞄上了……更多希望敬請存眷巴士為您帶來的后續報道吧。