-Ranger Mode: 2 Extra difficulties.
Ranger Realistic. A more "realistic" difficulty, but not necessarily harder if you keep your eyes open. A stray bullet or two can kill Artyom, but it works both ways as all player weapons do roughly three times the damage they usually dish out. Ammo pickups usually contain one to five bullets. The HUD has crosshairs disabled.
Ranger Hardcore:
An ultimate challenge for the player. The HUD is disabled completely save for laser pointers on mid to late-game weapons. Both Artyom and his enemies are "glass cannons", killing and dying incredibly fast, up to the point of one hit - one kill. Stealth is advised, since the run-and-gun approach is severely limited by low ammo pickups ranging from one to two bullets in a batch.
-RPK: A Russian version of the AK74
-Season Pass The season pass, what can i say.
-Faction Pack: This will probably have something to do with the Faction system in the game.