今天的更新看上去很大 其實是因為大部分普通客戶端的內容全部加入重生的關系 也說明重生客戶端離正式推出的時間越來越近了
Added full support for the 64 bit Dota client
Improved input processing latency
Inventory items can now be tagged with custom tags allowing for more powerful filtering options
Enabled Autoexec.cfg support
Started rolling out community created custom games on Valve dedicated servers
All Source 1 content (items, music packs, etc) is now in Source 2 Increased custom game maximum map size to support 32k on each axis (2x larger on each axis)
Added additional Open Mic voice options in the Settings panel
Fixed various bugs with Control Groups not loading and saving correctly
Mouse button keybindings will now display correctly in the settings dialog
Enabled the All Hero Challenge panel (accessible via the profile)
Fixed additional cases where global items could become unequipped
Improved hero loading speed in various game modes
Improved the time it takes to perform the initial update when connecting to a game server
Add settings option to control whether the console is enabled or not
Added force right-click attack to the settings dialog
Added spectator smooth drag to the settings dialog
Added effigies in the Global Items panel
Weather effect default items now appear correctly
Fixed various crashes
Reworked how projectiles are sent from the server to be more resilient to packet loss
Fixed an issue that caused players to take too long to time out, and thus be unable to reconnect quickly
Fixed various issues with Voice Chat
Fixed being unable to enter the game after being automatically randomed a hero in Ranked All Pick
Fixed a rare case where item combining could cause items to be destroyed
Friends list is now sorted correctly
Fixed an issue where spectating would sometimes never finish loading
Allow editing of the profile card options from your own profile page
Fixed some cases of particles not being destroyed correctly
Fixed some cases of particle effect models flickering; for example Tusk's Ice Shards
Visage's Familiars will now display their ambient particles
Fixed Scepter upgraded Demonic Purge being refreshable
Winter's Curse and Reaper's Scythe will not prevent Aghanim's upgraded Skeleton King Reincarnation
Fixed some cases where trying to purge invisibility effects would cause visual flickering
Improved the selection boxes on Winter Wyvern
Fixed some cases where incoming voice would affect the audio even when voice volume was set to zero
Fixed a bug with reconnecting during ARDM
Improved rendering performance on Global Items panel
Fixed a bug where SendCustomGameEventToServer wouldn't work correctly on Valve dedicated servers
Added SendCustomMessageToTeam scripting function
AddCommand bindings are now cleared between games
Implemented the player_chat game events
PhysicalArmorBaseValue and BaseMagicalResistanceValue are now networked
Fixed a bug where setting certain style properties via Javascript could stomp other properties (e.g. setting panel.style.x would stomp panel.style.y)
Added the ability to specify the size of a new tile grid or resize an existing tile grid
Added shadow filtering for sfm lights, controllable by shadowFilterSize control
Added DepthBias and SlopeScaleDepthBias controls to sfm lights
Added ambientIntensity control to sfm lights
Increased max sfm light count to 32 (max shadowed light count is still 16)
Implemented ambient occlusion in sfm
剩下是一大堆BUG修復 就不一一翻譯了
同時官博也發布了新的博文 題目為 即將到來:重生更新 這也意味著 起源1 DOTA2的替換工作正在有條不紊的進行中 起源2DOTA2(重生客戶端)作為正式客戶端的日子也一天一天臨近
VG戰隊在他們的國外臉書也更新了一個新的圖 應該是未來戰隊的組成人員(可以看到Burning)